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Road worker injuries are often preventable

On Behalf of | Feb 25, 2020 | Workers' Compensation

Individuals who work on Pennsylvania’s roads shouldn’t go to work having to worry about being struck while they’re doing their job duties. Unfortunately, drivers often travel too fast in work zones, which puts these workers at an increased risk of being involved in an accident. It is imperative that everyone do their part to help keep them safe.

The problem that these workers face is multifaceted. Sometimes, the work zone isn’t protected by barriers, so they have to rely on drivers to pay attention and slow down. Drivers sometimes ignore the reduced speed that’s present in these work zones.

Pennsylvania has “Steer Clear” laws that require drivers to move over when they see an emergency scene, a disabled vehicle or a traffic stop. This doesn’t seem to provide adequate protections for these workers, so the state is doing more.

Starting on March 4, a new program, Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement, goes into effect. It uses speed detecting systems to determine how fast drivers are going. Violating the speed laws in these zones can lead to a fine of $150 per offense.

When you couple increased attention with reduced speeds, these workers benefit from enhanced safety while they’re on the job. Because there is never a guarantee that these employees will remain safe, they should remember that immediate medical care is often necessary when they’re struck.

Workers’ compensation coverage provides benefits to cover those expenses. It also has the ability to provide partial wage replacement when the worker is unable to return to work right away. Injured workers may have to fight for the benefits they are due, so working with someone familiar with the program is often beneficial.