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The hazards of distribution center jobs

On Behalf of | May 5, 2020 | Firm News

People who work in distribution centers and warehouses such as those operated by Wal-Mart and Amazon are at risk for numerous types of workplace injuries. Although injured employees can turn to workers’ compensation to manage the financial losses associated with workplace injuries, it is always better to avoid accidents in the first place.

Following are some of these hazards:

  • Dock hazards: Loading and offloading goods present several hazards such as equipment strikes, stepping off a dock and falling objects.
  • Conveyor hazards: Part of working in a warehouse setting means working with or near conveyors that move objects. Hazards include becoming caught in pinch points, getting struck by falling products and repetitive motion injuries.
  • Lifting hazards: Warehouse workers often experience back injuries from lifting and moving heavy items.
  • Storage hazards: Improperly storing materials and goods can lead to significant injuries if these items should fall and strike a worker.
  • Charging station hazards: Electrical vehicles like forklifts are invaluable tools in warehouses and distribution centers. However, the stations used to charge these vehicles can pose electrical and fire hazards to workers.

The Altoona region of Pennsylvania is home to distribution centers for both Wal-Mart and REI. This means that you or someone you know may be at risk of suffering an injury if a work accident occurs. It is your right to file a workers’ compensation claim when an injury impacts your ability to work and earn an income.

Those who have trouble exercising their right to pursue their benefits should seek immediate legal counsel. An attorney can also help when a valid workers’ compensation claim results in a denial of the benefits you rightfully deserve.