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New vehicle combines a motorcycle and a car

On Behalf of | May 15, 2020 | Uncategorized

Realistically, most people drive without passengers. How many people do you have commuting to work in five-passenger cars and SUVs with literally only the driver’s seat occupied? It’s a big reason that some cities have such a problem with traffic congestion. 

One company is trying to fix that by producing a unique vehicle that combines the size of a motorcycle with the styling of a car. The front has two wheels, a classic hood and a windshield. It is thin, but it looks like a car. On the back, though, it draws into just a single wheel in the back. 

Because it has three wheels, the government technically calls this vehicle a motorcycle. It’s known as the Solo. And it may be a motorcycle, but it drives like a car. There are pedals on the floor and a wheel in the font. It’s just a one-person option to give people a way to get around without the size and bulk of traditional American cars. 

The Solo does raise some questions about the future of driving. Will vehicles like this eventually catch on? If they do, how safe are they? We know well that motorcycles are far more dangerous than cars. Is something like this going to seem convenient only until someone gets injured in what could have been a minor crash? Or is there a future in which everyone drives small cars and gets excellent gas mileage? Only time will tell. 

If things do change, though, safety concerns are sure to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Those who get injured in motor vehicle accidents must know what legal options they have